Heart 2 Talk Podcast

How I Made Peace My Priority

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 103

In this episode, I dive deep into my personal journey of prioritizing peace, share valuable insights and realizations that have shaped my relentless pursuit of peace which I believe is the ultimate form of success. Join me as I explore the transformative power of peace and how it can elevate your life to new heights. Tune in to get inspired and discover practical ways to make peace your priority—because a life rooted in serenity is the true luxury we all deserve! 

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. Thank you so much for joining me for another episode. For those who have been on this journey, thank you. Thank you so much. And if you're new, welcome to this podcast where I love sharing just incredible processes, topics that have anything and everything to do. With personal development, growth, spirituality, health and wellness, you name it. I come on and I share solo episodes. On things that I feel I'm an expert in and areas that I've mastered for areas that I have not, I bring on the expert in that zone of genius or whatever it is to share with us their wisdom. So that is just this podcast in a nutshell. And a lot of people will ask like, what's your process like? Do you just, map everything out? The only thing I map out is that I aim to launch two episodes a month and if it in between that time I find an aligned guest have a new connection to bring on, I do that. Or I'll just do these solo episodes that I keep short and sweet, and I just lead by inspiration. I take inspired action in everything I do. That's where the magic is. I don't force and. A lot of times the topic will come to me because it's something I'm working on creating and I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm ready to do this. Other times it doesn't come right away and so I'll just pray and meditate on it and just be like, God, universe show me, show me, use me what needs to be said? What needs to be heard and what I know to be true. Use me. and. And then I go on about living life, right? I go and to work and take care of my kids. And so today in Zumba class, it came to me as I was like breaking it down. peace, we're going to dive into peace and it's in those moments when I'm on my runs, when I'm on my walks, when I'm just in pure joy And moving my body especially is when ideas I'll get, like I call them divine downloads. So peace came over me because I'm like, Oh my gosh, I am living out, three years of what I call peace and Peace is power. When you are in a life that is true peace, it changes you on a cellular level. Like your face, your sleep, your energy. Have you ever paused to ask yourself what peace looks like for you? If you had to rate your peace level on a scale from one to five, one being chaos that demands immediate attention and five being the serene fulfillment of your soul. Where would you end? Are you a one, two, three. 3. 5. Now don't judge yourself, but it's really important to know whether you're grappling with personal challenges, family dynamics, or simply attracting chaos at every turn. I think you're going to love this episode. If you know anyone that's struggling and living a chaotic life opposite of peace, share this episode with them. I'll always be straight up and be so honest But with class and elegance, I do believe you can be vulnerable say your truth, but protect aspects of it. I'm going to share my journey with you, the work, the struggles, and the realizations that have led me to understand that much of what I am today stems from my relentless pursuit of peace. So friends, let's get started. I'm so proud of my two incredible kids. They are literally dreams of mine come true everything about them. I am seriously like, Oh my gosh, I've created this. They came out of me. They grew inside me, but just like looking at them growing and becoming who they are, that I get to have a hand in that and I get to be the mother chosen is like the thing I'm most proud of, but I'm going to tell you, I've done a lot of things I'm proud of and a lot of things not. I've created this podcast that I love and I'm proud of being the first in my family to go to college. But one of the things I will tell you that is my biggest flex the highest form of success. Is peace I made peace my priority four years ago I didn't really have the vocabulary. I Just knew I was in trouble I was in trouble. My soul was dying. I thought I would literally die if I went another day Living out the beliefs, living out the actual life that I was living in so many ways, like my choices, the people, and just a mixed bag of things. And that's when, years ago, I set out on this journey to what I call now peace, like true peace. Not the piece that going to Hawaii gives you, not the peace that one meditation class will give you, or a spa day. And those are important, doing those over time, adds to a life of peace. And I believe peace is when your nervous system is calm. I feel peace is when I'm with God, close to God, when I'm aligned with my values, when my loves are in order. But I'm proud that I chose, four years ago the path to what I need to do to get to peace. That's when I dove into, personal development learning everything, meditations reading podcasts. and when I was learning all this I was like, Oh my gosh, this is insane wisdom. That's when I literally would call it like that awakening where I was activated. Like my spark, that spark. that sparkle that my 10 year old self had, that along the way dimmed, would come back and then just for whatever reason was almost lights out, and that's when affirmations came in. So affirmations has, I want to call me becoming the author of my affirmations. Life story, the chapters that I write, I literally use my affirmations like I am, I can, I will, whatever it is I want, I create an affirmation and that's why I'm the affirmation babe, I'm a living proof, anyone that knew me and has known me my whole life, they're like, Whoa, that works because I've been seeing you, and so ultimately, no matter what my chapters have been called, And who I'm becoming, the foundation of who I am today and what is my North Star. Even though I pick a word of the year, I have different affirmations, goals. Peace is my priority. It's a requirement, my peace. And I remember a time in my life, and I don't know if any of y'all can relate. You know, maybe you're in this season right now, maybe you're in it in one area of life or all. So areas of life, relationships, job, work, career, business, finances, your health, you struggle with weight or mental health. Sometimes we have peace in a couple areas, but not all right. And like I said, years ago, I didn't know what to reach for because I didn't even know what I wanted. You can't really make moves and create when you're not really sure where to go. Clarity is everything. But the one thing I always would repeat, my affirmation was a word. Peace. I said it. I freaking said it. Peace. I want peace, peace, peace. I mean, It was like the echo of my soul and I couldn't reach for a lot, but I reached for the word peace became my mantra and it became literally my filter for life. So if a person didn't bring me peace, I was out of there and it took practice because one thing about peace. You have to choose it another thing about peace, it's your responsibility. Just like happiness, everything is a choice. And I'm going to tell you a lot of people don't live in peace because they're not willing to do what it takes. There's a cost, right? And for me, I was willing, I was willing for people to be mad at me for people to judge me I was willing to do it because I knew that at the end of that, that is what my soul was telling me I needed to do and it's the epitome of intuition, peace is the highest form of success. Peace is A luxury. It's luxurious. And the journey to peace wasn't like sexy, The journey to peace, like I said, disappointed people. I even disappointed myself along the way. It's a journey. So. figuring things out and that's okay. To get to peace, I had to downsize,, to get to peace. I had to let go. I had to start over, and everybody's journey to peace looks different but to get to peace literally in all areas of life, that was for me what I had to do. But then you ask, like, how do we get there? How do we cultivate this elusive peace? It's crucial to understand that it isn't something you find after a single day of meditation or a blissful trip. to Hawaii, being by the ocean, those moments can offer a temporary and much needed escape. A beautiful band aid on life's complexities and circumstances and situations, but true lasting peace is so much far profound. It's a deep layered experience and feeling that touches the very core of your soul. It's It's not about achieving perfection or believing that life will be free of challenges. Life is bound literally to always throw something at you. The real measure of our peace lies in how we respond. And I'm practicing that every day and I'm not here to say that Because I own that I have created a life that is peace. I have inner peace at the same time. I still have, challenges. I still am practicing how to respond in peace to something new, to something that I've already handled before. Oh yeah. I'm pretty much, I got this, but it's normal when an experience or crisis or. An obstacle happens that you haven't handled that you're not going to be perfect at responding to it. And that's okay. That's a life of inner peace is where I don't beat myself up. I just love myself through all of those moments, right? When you cultivate this deeper peace, you develop resilience. You learn to navigate the storms of life with grace and composure, understanding that while you cannot control the chaos outside of you, you can control your inner response, your inner world. It's self mastery the true magic happens. When your piece becomes an unshakable foundation that guides you through every trial, through every obstacle. So I'm going to share with you a list kind of like my criteria of how to live a life and be peaceful in all areas or have this unshakable foundation of peace to say that, yeah, I've got peace and I protect it to own that statement cultivating a actual life of peace is work. It's microsteps every day over time that literally gives you peace from the inside out The energy of peace is synonymous with the energy of happiness, of joy and love. It has the same magic. And so there's layers that keep us from peace power, we can call it. And a give and take. It's a letting go and it's bringing in. So what do we let go? And what do we bring in? Letting go just in general, letting go our attachments, releasing control, releasing perfection, people pleasing, surrendering to a higher power. And it's not like you're giving up, it's you're giving over, pieces. letting go of regrets and remorse, shame, pieces. Letting go of judgment on yourself and others punishment on yourself and others pieces letting go of complaining Procrastination being late. This is huge making excuses. You know especially in my family, I don't know about you all, it's a Hispanic thing, but like the whole late thing is crazy the balls in my court when it comes to that, right? Like I can control those factors, but I don't know if there's an addiction to chaos that people must have sometimes or to the pressure of being late I have a friend, she's so cute. She's always I like to give myself serenity time and I'm like, oh my gosh, that's peace. So as we let go of those tendencies, habits, and beliefs what do you bring in, peace is being Who do I have to be? To be the most highest form of peace. What I need to say, how do I need to move? what is someone that's a peaceful person do? How do they respond? What do they do in the morning? What do they not do? That's where the power is. What we put out we get back for every action. There's an equal and opposite reaction. That's How you show up for yourself. What are you doing in the showing up of your everyday life? And these are the micro steps that matter, So bring in the self trust. Have your own back. And don't let yourself down. And each of us knows exactly what that is. You have the answers. We just ignore it. And we like to blame and victimize ourselves over this. Bring in boundaries. Owning your truth, being authentic. Your authenticity is your soul made visible. Taking your power back and control over the things you can, and taking that away from others. As I'm becoming this woman that has cultivated a life of peace, that I own the power of peace, it's my affirmation. I had to take my power back and I'm still taking my power back. Giving my power away to people, letting them make the choices in my life for me and then being mad because they did, but I participated in that. So part of living a life that is peace is taking responsibility. Own your stuff. Own your stuff. That's when you take the power back. What takes away peace is complaining and victimization notice where in your life that you're doing that, And literally this year, there was a few things where I was like, I'm totally being victim. Changing my story. And just giving new meanings and, definitions for things has been a game changer and really have been removing the space between me and deeper peace. I have peace, but like no limits and how deep that this piece can go. I don't know if any of you listening could relate, but I was like, okay, if I make this amount of money all my problems will be solved and I've made those goals. It's funny because I can be a millionaire and I'm going to still have the same problems if I don't heal and work out some of the, the ways I manage money or the way I think about money. And that true to all areas of life. In love or in your body and your health and wellness, like it's all the energy and mindset and what blocks need to be removed and owning it, when you can own your truth, you can convert it. It's powerful. And part of that is having courage. So living a life that's brought me peace. I've had to be courageous. I've had to be friend fear, not be like, I'm fearless. No, like I did everything hella scared. But I just transform it because fear is an energy and you can transform it elevate it to a higher, more positive energy. The things that have taken away and stripped my pieces when I was out of alignment with my values and when I didn't have my loves in order, Like the love for myself, God and my kids, the love for my work. So when you put the love for shopping or the love for partying or something that is, Not your highest love. That's when we get into trouble. Gary Zukav said that we don't sin. Sin is really when we put our loves out of order And I just, it always stuck with me. So if I'm not feeling peaceful I'm like, ah, do I have my loves out of order? And it's usually true. I'm like, I'm not close to God right now. I'm literally putting my focus on this material thing or this desire. That yes, I deserve but it shouldn't go before my connection to God or shouldn't go before my kids or if I'm working too much and not putting boundaries with work and not getting my kids, my full presence, I'm putting my loves out of order. So my loves are in order. I'm in alignment. And then that right there is peace. Alignment is peace and you know you're in alignment because you're in flow, patience. And this is one that probably steals my, my peace the most. There are certain areas of life where Maybe not as patient. And so I'm working on, um, pieces, owning your time and managing wisely in this right here. I want to say this is another big contributor to my piece, my time. I own my time. I protect my time. It is currency, right? There's no debts when it comes to time. My time is everything when it comes to my peace. And peace is the present moment. And people talk about all the time, but it takes practice, but it is literally peace because when you're not in the present moment, you're either in the past or you're in the future. And both of those are going to give you stress. I think they say something like going in the past gives you depression and then going to the future gives anxiety. Peace is letting go of regrets, but going after your dreams. when you do that thing that scares you and you just do it anyways. It's like little to big, and that's why I think I have the most peace because I've literally done everything I said I was going to do and peace is doing one thing at a time, and focusing on that. Your focus is your power and that's peace, peace is order. Peace is clean it's literally keeping my car clean and my house when I have those areas clean, I feel peace. Peace is falling in love with the process. It's part of being patient where I'm like, Oh my gosh, I really like already want to be so good at, you know, say it was podcasting when I first started. But fall in love with me. That's like messy at the beginning fall in love with the version of me That isn't perfect because you grow so much in that space and that's wisdom I can hire a coach to tell me one two, three, four five the steps but the most powerful things that I've ever done created and have showed up for Were the things that I had to figure out on my own and embarrass myself a little, make a mess. You have to fall in love with the process or else you're going to be miserable. You won't have peace. I'm going to fall in love with the process of what it takes to get this podcast to a million listeners. We're always like, Oh, when I get there, I'm going to feel so good. But then I'm here now I'm where I'm supposed to be. So love where I'm at. Again, that brings you back to what I said, being present. So falling in love with the process literally goes hand in hand with being present and being patient. And peace is a life that feels good. Might not look good. People might look and be dang, Teresa 10 years ago was at and now she's or whatever the judgment might be. But I feel like I'm the richest I've ever been. That's what peace has brought me. I have prosperity if you want a piece of this, you don't know where to start. start with your, I am statements, your affirmations. You start changing the way you think you change your life. You change the way you speak. You change your life. Affirmations have been the biggest contributors to my peace. Some of my favorite affirmations for peace I am protecting my peace. Peace is my birthright. I'm a magnet for peaceful energy. And I love to say everything is always working out for me. All is well. I surrender to a plan greater than my own I also have a masterclass. Words that manifest and I call it a master class because I believe that mastering yourself is where the power is. We're, we're so fixed on mastering anything and everything outside of us, but mastering your mindset, mastering your energy, mastering yourself will then take those exterior things to new levels. When you master yourself, you can master. Being the best partner, parent, all of that. The link for that will be in my show notes. as well as the link for my affirmation deck. So as you move forward from this episode, remember that Peace is the highest form of success we can achieve in the biggest luxury peace is a conscious choice. It's a journey worth taking, embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to guide you toward a life full of abundance, fulfillment your highest potential and deepest connection to yourself to source and the world around you. Until next time, may you cultivate peace in every ounce and corner of your existence. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back for another episode of Heart to.