Heart 2 Talk Podcast

The Power of Blessings

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 102

Join me for an inspiring episode, where we explore the power of blessings. Discover how this practice empowers us and transforms our mindset.  I’ll share personal stories and insights, along with some of my favorite perspectives on embracing blessings. Tune in and unlock the life-changing power of blessings—your journey to a more joyful and fulfilled life starts now!

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. Welcome amazing listeners. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode. I'm really excited to dive into the power of blessings. Now I know for sure that words at the highest vibration hold such immense power that create a ripple effect and amongst the most powerful words you can ever use are those of blessings. Blessings are not reserved for clergy or the highest religious positions. They are for each and every one of us. Since ancient times, blessings have been seen as an invisible cloak. One that offers protection, good fortune, health, and wealth. Blessings create a circle of light around us. Designed to protect, heal, and strengthen our spirits. So I invite you today to embrace this power, bless yourself every day, bless your circumstances, and especially when faced with. Challenges, we can always choose to bless our situation. And even before blessing, it is so powerful just to accept what is acceptance releases all resistance. And when we bless it, we immediately hand it over. And again, offer this protective cloak of light that will really transform it. And with more time in space, we can look back. And see why whatever it is had to happen literally, it's the first thing I do every morning next to thank you. Every morning I wake up and I say, thank you. Thank you so much for, and I just go on and on. Gratitude is my everyday prayer, blessings equally holds such power and it's so simple and I have just seen. What offering a blessing to everyone, to even people I don't know, I secretly bless people may they receive a miracle, bless them, bless their life, their circumstances. And every morning when I light my candles, before I do my morning ritual, I bless myself and my children and my life. I bless my home. I literally bless everything and everywhere that I will go and be in. It's not just a one time act. The power is making it a daily practice. Morning, noon and night. You can say, I bless myself and my circumstances. When you go to work, declare, I bless this work. I bless this effort. My work is a prayer for good. That's literally a. Prayer that I use all the time, no matter what work it is, housework, especially if it's work that you're don't like how to find the good in the work that you're doing. My work is a prayer for good. I bless this car and the journey ahead. I bless this food. I mean, every little thing that I touch, see, and feel good or bad. I bless, I bless it all. Because those that receive it, especially when you're like blessing a meal that you're making, the energy of a blessing transfers I believe that my everyday life has become a prayer. I don't just pray when I'm at church or it's a special holiday or Thanksgiving. I literally worship my everyday life, everyday moment, especially the mundane is where. The magic to life and happiness and fulfillment lie. It's blessing everything that I've already manifested and that I've already created because it's here in the now. Like I literally was at the post office last week, dropping off some of my deliveries, my affirmation decks. I'm so excited. Thank you to all that ordered. Um, I was standing in the line and I was like, Oh my gosh. I actually am blessed right now. I have made all my dreams come true. All of them. I don't have to keep pushing it's like this striving and never arriving vibe. And yes, I have a vision of a million downloads and vision of selling a million affirmation decks. But in this moment I am blessed I have beautiful children that are both visions and dreams that come true I have a beautiful community and podcast that I just love and I feel such in purpose with. I have a product that I've launched, an affirmation deck, and I have love. I have connection. I have community. I have peace. I have good health. And it's just like savoring in the blessing that is your life now. And I'm honestly making that my biggest flex is the slowing down and savoring. And swimming in all I already have. And it's not to say that I'm not going to take my steps towards expanding what I already have. Expanding that vision because my why isn't because I want more, but it's more to serve more. To give more value And impact with the energy of, I want to give and I'm here to serve is boomerang energy. what you give, you get back. If you give blessings, you will be blessed. If you curse a situation, a circumstances or person, you will be cursed. And so every day, if you put out things. Thank you for this life. Thank you for all that is and all that I am. Bless. My life bless myself and my circumstances, my children, you bless every little thing along the way you will be blessed along the way you give thanks, you will attract so much abundance and it's not that we do this work. Because we want to get, it just becomes part of who you are. And that's why it's a practice because it's not natural for us to like, wake up and think this way, be this way. But I promise you if every day, first thing in the morning, you start with And you bless your life and then you do it in the afternoon and then you do it before bed to where after 28 days, I think it takes to actually make a practice, become your habit. You will see shifts in your life that are unexplainable that only you. And this is why I just felt passionate to talk about this for this episode because it's a little practice that I've always done, but I didn't ever think to turn this into an episode because I just did it for myself. And I kind of, sometimes when you do something, you think, Oh, everyone probably does this, but they don't. But like making your kids, no matter what age own the power of blessing their circumstances own the power of blessing their life and blessing everything it is life changing. As I wrap up this episode., I want to also leave you with this powerful shift in perspective from now on, whenever. A friend or whoever, family member, child is leaving for a road trip or going to go for surgery, you know, rather than say, be careful, be safe, good luck, I don't know if you realize, but the vibration under that isn't certainty. Isn't faith. It's actually fear rather from now on to really bless them and give them protection because I know no one means it, but think about our whole life. Everyone was so fearful. Be careful when you go on that trip and they're so worried. I always rejected when like family members, especially my grandma would be like, Oh, Teresa, be careful. And she was always so fear based out of something I was really excited to go do and explore, I really believe we need to start changing that narrative of when people are headed on a road trip, when people are going in for surgery. And so rather than saying, be safe or good luck. Which can carry an undertone of fear and uncertainty, embrace a more empowering message. Remember words hold power. They hold vibration and what's behind it. And that is so important. So if it's backed with blessings, certainty, love, and protection. That's where the magic is. So, instead of saying be safe or good luck, try saying you are blessed and with certainty all will go well. I'm excited to see you when you get back. I'm excited to hear about your incredible trip. You are blessed and with certainty you will arrive. To your destination and have incredible experiences. So change how you wish people well, and make sure that it's not backed with fear, that rather it's backed with a blessing, this simple change, transform the energy of your words from one of lack. Can fear to one of abundance and confidence. It's a reminder that blessings carry a powerful energy that can uplift and protect. So as we close today, remember that you hold the power of a blessing in your hands. Use it generously for yourself and for those around you that you love. And even strangers let the words resonate with certainty, love, and light. May you carry this energy of blessings into your daily life and spread it for all. Until next time, remember that you are highly blessed and have the power to bless all you love, all circumstances. thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back in two weeks for another episode of Heart to