Heart 2 Talk Podcast
Through an audio diary approach, I will share pages by having conversations amongst insightful people on health, wellness, beauty, spirituality, family and personal stories that inspire. Talks that come from the heart.
Heart 2 Talk Podcast
Unwrap the Magic of Christmas Throughout the Entire Year
Join me for a special 99th episode of this podcast, where we dive into the true magic of the Christmas season. I explore the authentic spirit of the season—beyond gift-giving—by asking what we truly crave and desire. Together, we’ll unwrap the magic of Christmas, discovering profound lessons and insights from its timeless story that resonate throughout the year, regardless of your beliefs. Tune in for a heartfelt conversation about cultivating peace and joy in our lives every day!
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Wellness Affirmation Journal
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Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the.
While we are all so wrapped up in the presents we're giving to the Gladden Hearts at Christmas time, we might pause to think of the other side of giving that means much more in every home. The giving of ourselves, the Christmas present after all is only a token of our feelings and more important are the daily contributions we each make to the happiness of those near us. House and Garden, December, 1938. Welcome to this special episode of Heart to Talk this is my 99th episode and with Christmas a few days away, I felt inspired to explore the true magic of the season. As I've been preparing the holidays with my kids, I've just been reflecting on. This pressure and expectation that continues to arise that often just overshadows the joy that I feel like we're supposed to feel in this season. It's just so easy to get caught up in the hustle of gift giving for all the wrong reasons. Instead, I wanted to reconnect. With the holiday spirit from a place of authenticity and peace. And I've just been reminding my children of that and not trying to sound cliche, like the real meaning of Christmas, but like, what is the real meaning? What is it that we're deeply craving and desiring as we put up lights and put up the tree as early as October? You know, there's something that we're all wanting to really cultivate, express and feel so as I had been searching just for for my children and I, what it means to truly unwrap the magic of Christmas, not just in December, but like every day. So in this episode, I'm excited to share how we can unwrap the magic of Christmas throughout the entire year, regardless of your faith or beliefs, there are limitless lessons in Christmas story that have. Profound insights that I will share, and we could learn from the characters and the underlying gifts they embody, bringing this concept of unwrapping the magic of Christmas to life in a universal way. I was really inspired when I heard it pitched in a way that I'm going to share with you through one of my favorite authors, so Sarah Ban Brodick is like one of my favorite authors, and she really just activates such inspiration anytime I listen to her and has taught me how to make everyday life a prayer and to turn the mundane into magic. I was listening to, One of her books, Simple Abundance, 365 days to a balanced and joyful life. And so each day has a quote and then a powerful, message to keep you inspired and motivated. And of course a balanced and joyful and so she dove into the Christmas story and how. There's true miracles and gifts within the story. And, I'm going to do this by sharing the characters in the Christmas story and then the gift that they give, right? So the first is the gift of spirit, unconditional love, next we have Mary, whose present to the world was selflessness. The surrender of ego and will needed to bring down heaven to earth. Joseph, her fiance, gifted us trust and faith, believing in a divine plan amidst uncertainty and chaos. The child born that night brought forgiveness, wholeness, second chances, and grace. The angels delivered gifts of tidings of comfort, joy, and peace while the shepherd boy gave generosity, the innkeeper's wife demonstrated the gifts of compassion and charity, and then there were the three Kings from the East who followed the bright star in search of a Royal birth although on their camels, they carry treasures the gifts they actually gave us was wonder, acceptance, and courage. I do believe it's. The true essence of Christmas, when we think of in everyday life, unconditional love is needed. Selflessness, trust and faith, forgiveness, wholeness, grace, joy, comfort, peace, generosity, compassion, charity. And of course, wonder, acceptance, and courage. And those are within each and every one of us. We can embody those in our everyday lives and inspire others, and we could seek it and, and witness it in others. And that's truly beautiful. The magic in life that I believe we all try to capture in the Christmas spirit as we put up Our beautiful lights and our trees and wrap up these gifts as we explore how to carry the spirit of giving into our everyday lives, let's remember that the most impactful gift is the giving of ourselves I'll reveal seven meaningful ways we can give priceless gifts. Not just during the holiday season. But every day, these gifts are about nurturing our souls and enriching the lives of those around us. So here are seven powerful gifts to consider to give. One, the gift of your full attention and presence in a world filled of distractions. Your undivided attention is a precious gift. Two. The gift of your words speak life, encouragement, positivity, and love into the hearts of those all around you, everywhere you go, with your family, your friends, work, strangers. The gift of love and affection. By giving hugs, kisses, or just the acts of service that mean so much to your loved ones. The next is the gift of support. Being there for someone. Your presence can provide strength during the tough times, the gift of silent prayers and blessings, send positive energy and prayers and thoughts to those who need it most. And the gift of authenticity, be true to yourself. Your genuine self is a gift to this world. And last, the seventh gift is the gift of Of experience, create memories with loved ones, whether it's shared meal or an adventure together. And speaking of a gift of experience, my incredible friend, Clarita Escalante, who's the founder of Claridad, will be hosting her magical annual retreat April 4th to the 6th in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now this transformational experience. Offers healing modalities like spiritual hypnosis, Reiki and guided journaling, nutritious, incredible meals by Chef Ash. So if you are wanting to give yourself a beautiful experience that is transformational on so many levels mind, body, and soul, this wellness retreat. Is it, or you can gift it for someone, love right now. There are a few spots available. And the most incredible thing is because you are a listener of this show, we have a special code for you, affirmation 200. for 200 off the wellness retreat. This will be in the show notes. So whether you're driving or on a run and listening to this podcast episode, you can go back to the show notes and click on the link and type in affirmation. 200. If you are ready for an experience, that's just going to be so transformational on so many levels. I'm also going to be there and present on one of the days of the retreat. So I'm really excited to present on the power of affirmations. Also as a listener, you get 10 percent off. If you use a discount code affirmation, you get 10 percent off candles, soap, and the wellness ritual box. Again, this will also be in the show. Notes as well, We have something for everyone to support you on your journey towards empowerment and to unwrap the gifts that you have within yourself. And these tools that we have and opportunities and experiences are a great starting place As we wrap up this episode, I do want to remind you everyday life is a prayer. So let's carry the beautiful gifts from the Christmas story. Unconditional love, the spirit that binds us all together. Selflessness, exemplified by Mary, reminding us to put others for ourselves. Trust in faith, like Joseph showed, believing in the unseen and supporting one another through challenges. comfort, joy, and peace brought by the angels, which we can all share in our daily interactions. Generosity demonstrated by the shepherd boy, always willing to give from the heart and The gifts of the three Kings. acceptance, courage, and wonder. And remember that the greatest gift we can offer is the gift of ourselves. The love, time, and genuine connection we share with those around us has no price tag. Your full attention, the gift of your words, the gift of love and affection, the gift of support, the gift of silent prayers and blessings, the gift of authenticity and the gift of experiences. So friends let's step into each day with the spirit of giving, nurturing the magic within us and spreading it to everyone we encounter. May your days be filled with joy and warmth of this season now and always. Until next time, keep that Christmas magic alive in your heart 365 days a year.
Theresa Cesare:Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back in two weeks for another episode of Heart to.