Heart 2 Talk Podcast

Step Into Your Power Everyday

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 78

In this episode we're diving deep into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: stepping into our power. I believe this concept holds the key to unlocking our full potential and living our most authentic, fulfilled lives. Join me as we explore what it truly means to step into our power and the transformative impact it can have on every aspect of our lives. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and equipped with the insights you need to embrace your own power like never before.

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Teresa Caesar My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. Welcome back. I am so excited for this episode's topic, how to step into your power every day. I'm going to talk about what I believe it means to be powerful, what power isn't, and how you can step into your power every day and reclaim it. if you feel like you're disconnected from it. So friends, let's get started. What do you imagine when I say to you, I am so powerful, or he is powerful, or she is powerful. Many of us often think of power as something that comes from the outside in, granted to us by status, titles, accolades. Or positions of authority. However, I see power differently. Power is not about a position title or authority over others or the need to control. It's not about being better than anyone else. Power is not loud or forceful. Instead, I believe that true power comes from the inside out. It's not something that is given to you. It is something that is already within each of you. Everyone has access to power regardless of their position, their status, their title, their past, where they are now. Real power is about giving rather than acquiring real power is positive, uplifting, supportive, peaceful, and calm, It's an energy that emanates from within. And grow stronger as we step into it every day so let's talk about what it means to be in your power I believe when you are in your power, you are in alignment with your highest self and your heart. You live within the magic that resides within you your intuition, your ability to use your thoughts and energy to create, to attract, to heal your imagination, your gift, and the power of love that you have. Being in your power is about harnessing your inner light and using it to illuminate the world around you. Creating a positive impact inspiring others to do the same. Being in your power means embracing your authentic self and honoring your unique strengths and qualities. Stepping into your power feels like. A profound sense of clarity and purpose washing over you. It's that moment when you speak up with unwavering confidence, knowing that your voice matters and that others must hear it. It's the feeling of being in complete alignment with your values and passions and the courage to pursue your dreams When you step into your power, you exude an aura. Of authenticity and self assuredness your presence becomes a source of inspiration for those around you, encouraging them to embrace their own potential in your professional life. It can lead to taking on new challenges. pursuing leadership roles and make a meaningful impact on those within your field. In your personal life it often results in healthier relationships. because you're setting boundaries and you're prioritizing self care and love so that you're able to show up and love others way better than you ever have before. I truly believe if we all reclaimed our power and practice stepping into it every day collectively that it has the potential. To spark positive change on a larger scale, it will ignite a culture of empowerment, inclusivity and innovation, ultimately contributing to a more vibrant and progressive community when each person embraces their power, the ripple effect can be so transformative in its effect will echo forward forever. Leaving an imprint on this planet so here are the power moves to how you can exercise stepping into your power every day. And as you're listening, if I say something that lands, that is something you do or something you want to do or something that's new, whatever sparks within you, place your right hand over your heart as I am speaking, it's a good way to connect to what I'm saying and it'll leave a deeper imprint so that after listening, you'll be able to step in it. So I'm going to start with the first most powerful way to step into your power. And it is every day how you use the most important two words that you'll ever say, have ever said, and we'll say, and those two words are I am whatever follows I am. You invite into your reality, The minute you wake up, recite or write positive I am statements Positive affirmations, I will share just a few so that you can really set the tone of your energy, vibes, how you want to show up and if you don't know. Write it out. Who are you? Who do you want to be? What is your mission? What is your brand? There's An automatic power surge to your consciousness and Energy and that frequency then will vibrate out into the world Making you a magnet start with the most important is just the gratitude. I'm grateful for another day on this earth plane. I am powerful. I am courageous. I'm kind. I'm a magnet for miracles and magnificent outcomes. I'm lucky. I'm always at the right place at the right time. I am supported. I'm unstoppable. I'm the master of my vibes, my thoughts, my emotions, my energy. I am the magic another power move in relation to that is noticing what negative stories you have about yourself, about a situation that you're replaying, right? What recording do you have on repeat that steals your power, dims your light, contradicts It's what you want to do and what you want to be at your truest and highest self. I invite you to reframe negative, statements. For example, if you wake up and you're like, I am so tired instead, the powerful reframe is I am going to get a second wind For

I am overwhelmed.

Theresa Cesare:

the powerful reframe is I am handling so many amazing things. I am responsible for such important things, you know, try to spin everything in your favor or spin it to a positive Thought And now I'm going to list off more and how you can step into your power Stepping in. Your power is being in alignment with your intuition and heart. It's being authentic. It's knowing that your presence is your power no matter who you are, where you've come from, what you do for work, your status, you are in a position and have the power to influence others, to be in your power is trusting yourself. You have all the answers. A lot of times we ask for the opinion, which looks better, what should I do? And you talk it out to 20 different people, but you have the answers. Trust yourself. It's about starting now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. It's being patient with yourself. It's taking responsibility for your life. When you blame you give them your power. When you make excuses for others, You're giving them power and you take away yours. You're in your power when you do the right thing, especially when no one's looking. We often choose to do the right thing when we have an audience eye set on us because then we get some sort of clap, approval, praise. being in your power is showing up, and executing without needing to be validated. It's not waiting for someone to tell you you're pretty to feel pretty. You are beautiful and pretty. You are smart and successful without someone else needing to tell you True power is being in the energy of wanting to progress, not impress. It's when you stop trying to prove yourself to others that you are smart, that you're beautiful, successful, or even right. It's letting others be wrong. Letting them believe a story that they believe their version of it. You stop trying to convince your side and you hold your energy and then you remain in peace and in confidence no matter what. It's using your voice to advocate your boundaries. Within work, your relationships and with yourself, it's being okay to say no. When you really want to say no, instead of a fake, yes, backed with resentment and inauthenticity, you are powerful and in your light. When you choose not to gossip, when you choose not to complain, and when you choose not to judge, you are powerful. When you are focused on solutions versus the problems, when obstacles arise, it is being proud of yourself and normalize greatness. It's playing big versus small and safe, being proud and grateful that you have what you prayed for and manifested. The money, the degree, the job, the partner, whatever it is, be unapologetic for what you've worked for and true power is honoring those after you have become powerful from the inside out first, it's remaining focused. In avoiding distractions because where attention goes, energy flows, it's choosing to get the things done and to quit leaning into excuses and procrastination. Those are energy leaks. It's also knowing when to unplug and take a break, take the day off, take a week off, hold space for yourself, it's not overthinking and just making powerful decisions immediately you step into your power the moment you own your mistakes. Take responsibility, admit when you're wrong and don't beat yourself up over it. Rather. You just do better because you know better now. It's having the courage. To tell someone what they did or did not do that has upset you, feel confident in communicating your emotions, but don't be overtaken by them stepping in your powers, loving and accepting. Where you are right now, but being excited about where you're going, because, you know, you are powerful you know, you are the captain of your ship. You're the director of your life story and that the universe source, whatever higher power. You believe in is the producer and will cut and edit alongside because you're truly co creating. And there's an amazing relief in that because I have the power to decide and choose because I do believe that choice is destiny's soulmate, but I know that the universe has my back. So if I make a choice. Maybe out of ego, desperation or whatever it is, or in my power that I'll get redirected. And that brings me to the next is rejection in a relationship, a job, whatever it is, is redirection. It's about turning every situation in your favor. How can I see this obstacle? Or experience as a lesson, it's turning, you know, lemons into lemonade. It's spinning straw into gold. It's about flowing, not forcing being powerful is moving, but not pushing. It's pausing, but not stopping. It's pivoting and being okay about having to pivot and knowing. When is the time to pivot? It's owning that you make the rules. Stepping in your power every day is having bulletproof self belief and that you are worth it. It's grace when you feel like you're not operating from your power or you're disconnected. When we feel disconnected, We reclaim our power by one noticing and forgiving whatever it was that disconnected you, whether it was a choice or a habit you leaned into, or you gave your power to someone else. Leave the regret and remorse sisters judgment, guilt, resentment And reminding yourself that every moment's a new moment and you can start again. and tell yourself that your breakdown is your breakthrough. That you're not going backwards. That perceived step back is actually propelling you 10 steps forward. There is so much power in believing that everything will always work out. And That will instantly shift you in your power. and allow you to truly live within the magic that resides within you your intuition, your ability to use your thoughts and energy to create, to attract, to heal your creativity, your imagination, your gift, and the power of love that you have. So by integrating these practices into your life, you can reclaim your true power and elevate your energy, allowing your authentic light to shine brightly, influencing and inspiring those around you. I'm going to close up this episode by a quote from Gabrielle Bernstein, your presence. Is your power be mindful of how your thoughts, words and energy disconnect you from the universe and know the difference between what it feels like to be connected to the presence of your power versus what it feels like when you're not. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back in two weeks for another episode of Heart 2 Talk