Heart 2 Talk Podcast

Empowering Moms and Overcoming Generational Cycles with Karen Martinez

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 76

Karen Martinez is a remarkable lifestyle and fitness coach who's making a tremendous impact on mamas everywhere. She is determined to create a better lifestyle for herself and future generations by dedicating herself to helping others break free from the shackles of negative body image.  Karen is best known for how she empowers women to embrace their post pregnancy bodies and discover the joy of living in an active and healthy lifestyle. In today's episode, Karen will share with us her personal story, experiences, mission, provide invaluable insights and practical advice for all of you beautiful listeners. 

Karen’s Social Handles and Website:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaRreNmTz/?locale=zh_CN

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/karensmartinez__/

Website https://ksmwellness.com/

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. welcome to another empowering episode. Today we have a very special guest joining us, Karen Martinez. Karen is a remarkable lifestyle and fitness coach who's making a tremendous impact on mamas everywhere. She is determined to create a better lifestyle for herself and future generations by dedicating herself to helping others break free from the shackles of negative body image karen is best known for how she empowers women to embrace their post pregnancy bodies and discover the joy of living in an active and healthy lifestyle. In today's episode, Karen will share with us her personal story, experiences, mission, and also provide invaluable insights and practical advice for all of you beautiful listeners. So friends get ready to be inspired and motivated as we welcome Karen Martinez to heart to talk. Welcome to the show. Karen.

Karen Martinez:

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here with you today.

Theresa Cesare:

Well, the honor is mine so how did you get to where you are today? What was it that really pivoted you to become a lifestyle fitness coach.

Karen Martinez:

Well I was born in Tucson. In Arizona and I grew up some part of my life in Mexico. So Nogales Sonora for all of you guys who know it's a super close to us. And I've been back and I was back and forward between like my first couple of years at school. yOu will think that it will got easier. I probably moved like 78 times between like schools into Mexico. Nogales Arizona and then I moved to Phoenix. And and then I became a mom at a very, such a young age, when I had my second daughter. I remember I was in maternity leave and they called me from work and they were like, you know what, Karen, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to let you go. And that's when I finally made the decision to move out of my hometown to come to Phoenix, which is like much bigger city with much more bigger opportunities. And then that's exactly how my journey started. So when I first moved back to Phoenix and when I, in my mind, I was like, I need to get out of here because I need to be able to provide, I wanted something better for my kids. I wanted something better for us. So when we talk about. breaking some of those generational curses. Unfortunately, we have to move out of the situation, even though it's the hardest because you leave your family behind, you leave your close friends, like whatever, you know, all those like memories as you grow up, it's very difficult to leave behind. But if you want do something better, we got to make that big step that it's very uncomfortable and it's very scary. So I grabbed my two kids. I remember coming to Phoenix like a weekend before with one of my cousins and I started looking for a job and then they call me in. So next weekend I grabbed my kids. I packed the car and I was like, bye. So my cousin helped me for a little bit while after that we went separate ways and. I feel very lonely. I feel very lonely. I was in such a learning journey I fell with no confidence in such a big city I mean coming from a hometown like that is very small to a huge city. It's like you feel so little so I always been a little active in my life. I did dancing when I was younger. I always tried to do sports in school, but because I didn't last it so long in there, because I keep moving from schools, so I didn't really pursue anything. Plus, I became a young mom, so that took a priority, of course. So when I first moved to Phoenix, I was alone, just me and the girls. I felt lonely and I was looking that part of, I need to go to a place where I can meet people. And I can better myself. And I feel like one of those places is the gym. So I started going to the gym. I start meeting people like that became a community. And that's how my fitness journey started. When I started going into the gym and I start meeting new people I got talked into doing a fitness competition, I did two fitness competitions in the, under the IMBA. Natural body building. And after that, I gained. 30 to 35 pounds. I Never felt like that insecure I start having very bad eating disorders and I was very unhappy with my body and I know I needed to make a change I would I was binge eating So instead of helping me during that time it actually like having Such a big restriction with my nutrition and everything and not having the proper coaching afterwards. Because when you do a competition, your competition is like before, during and after post competition. So it's not just doing your competition and you're done. No, you need to have your coaching after work so you can do your proper reverse dieting and get back into adding those calories that you restricted for so long. Long story short, I didn't do that and it ended up instead of causing help, it cast a little more damage to me and that's how it started. I was like, I need to help other women. I need to help other moms that they don't need to. Do a fitness competition to feel confident with their own body. They don't need to do this crazy big diets and Restrict themselves. They don't need to do crazy Excessive cardio in order for them to feel good and you know lose those extra pounds No So that's mostly how I got into it to help other women out there to help other moms out there to avoid the mistake of wanting to go from one extreme to Another so that's why my motto is helping as much many women as I can without giving out their favorite foods because I feel like we forget that food is Part of our culture. It's much more than just food food is part of our culture food like Everything is around I think about the holidays. We are full of food the best conversations We have them with maybe a glass of wine and your favorite snacks I mean, food is just part of our lives. So we need to learn how to be able to manage those social situations without blaming ourselves that, Oh my God, I'm going to gain some pounds. Oh my God, I cannot eat that because I'm on a diet and I'm doing this parenthesis because now we think that eating healthy is being on a diet. So that's, that's how. My mission started of wanting and being passionate about helping other women to not go into the same rabbit holes that I went into.

Theresa Cesare:

Wow, that's incredible. I mean, I could relate. I mean, I think many women listening, even men, right? Where we have tried all those diets, and then when you fall off the wagon, if there is a wagon, right? The shame and guilt. But it sounds like you offer just the tips and the mindset and the process that's just sustainable, like it can become your lifestyle. So your results are forever, I love that you said you could still enjoy those holiday foods, the culture foods. I love your mission. I love your story. what tips would you give to, our listeners

Karen Martinez:

Start small but start. I feel like, um, sometimes we overthink that. What is it that you can start doing and implement right now? Because we always want to wait until Monday, until the next day, until next month, until New Year's, until, and then when is the perfect time? So, start but start small. Start drinking more water. Start drinking more veggies. Maybe start moving your body more if you don't do any Any type of movement and then you're always sitting down and working from your computer Well, maybe listen to your apple watch every time it tells you to stand up Maybe go for a longer walk with your babies or take your longer walks with your dogs small things so Moving your body sometimes we want to know this little details Oh, I cannot eat before going to bed and we do have to eat before exercise and after exercise So we ask all of these details that we're actually not going to follow through So don't overcomplicate it and start with the things that you already know What are the things that you already know? Well, maybe instead of having so much sugary drinks Maybe I could start drinking a little more water or replacing it for something better, or maybe I should add more fruits and veggies into my meal. And the one that I feel like it's important and that I always try to push people to figure it out is that type of movement that you enjoy. So right now I've been able to, for example, enjoy some of my type of movements that I've been enjoying so much right now is dancing. So I got into dancing and it's something that I wanted to do for a very long time. And that's the only type of cardio I do. So dancing it's been my top form of movement. And then from there, you take it. To the next level if you want to like then get into a regimen plan workout exercise Regimen to change your body composition, then you take it for the next level but one step at a time and don't be scared to Experiment with those type of movements go and enjoy those free classes that you can get everywhere Seriously, go and grab a friend if you don't want to go alone and then take advantage of all of those free classes that you can do. Experiment. So those will be my top tips for people that can start implementing right now

Theresa Cesare:

Those are such great tips. So who would be that ideal client

Karen Martinez:

so my ideal client, it would be a mom who is already like, uh, She wants to get over the mom guilt. She really wants to start getting back. Because once we become moms, we forget that we are more than just moms. And I like the terminology to use, like, the one when you go into the plane and they give you all of those securities, and then they start giving you instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. And the first thing they tell you is put your mask first before you try to even help your kids. Okay, so this, this is the same thing for us. I'm sorry, I'm going to be one of those coaches that are giving you that tough love, but you either find your kids as an excuse, or you either find it as a motivation to keep going, whatever it is, and creating a healthier lifestyle, you're going to help your future generations, like I think about my kids right now, how I've been able to Implement the exercise in their lives. And I see my, some of my past generations and that's something that it's not seen. So it's a mom who wants to lose weight, who wants to feel good and move good and feel being able to play with her kids and move things around the house and do all of those mom things. so that would be my, my ideal client. Somebody who is ready and say, you know what enough, it's enough. And I am going to make a change for myself, but also for my kids and for my family around me because we think that Influencing is only that word of being an influencer in social media, but we actually, all of us are influencers. Because we influence our kids, we influence our family, our sisters, our brothers, our close friends, our neighbors. So we're always influencing those people around us. And I feel like The better influence we give, the better results we can, we can give out there and we can leave in the world.

Theresa Cesare:

I love that you said that we can be influencers and we are in our everyday life what a powerful thing to own, right? So what are you going to do with that? And I love that you talked about generational cycles and curses, and you could think about it like what you do and especially modeling in front of your kids changes everything. And how has that been for you? Can you tell us a little bit about when you look back at your family lineage, your tias, your, you know, mom, all that. Do you see? What you are breaking. What would you say you're breaking? What's that?

Karen Martinez:

I feel like when I first became a mom and I started like because when like when you start seeing this human in front of you, you're like, oh shoot Like holy like this is a real thing. Like I am a mom. I am responsible for a human like what is going on and you start like your life becomes Everything becomes about your kids. So it changes your perspective. It's like something shifts inside of you, like in all ways, like your life gives you a 360 degrees. So I became more aware of my surroundings. My dad was an alcoholic and he suffered with drug addiction. And some of my Tios too. And this is from both sides of my families, unfortunately. So we have the. Tendency in our family. So this is one another reason that I need to get out of that environment in order for my kids to not Be able to fall into that same cycle And unfortunately, it's something very sad because it's our family and we love him very dear to our hearts But it's one of the things that I've been able to learn as a mom is to learn boundaries. And that was a huge boundary for me to being able to learn with which member of our family are going to be good for my kids. Even if I say it, I feel like it doesn't sound right to even say it aloud, but it's the truth, right? Like how is this person going to be impacting the life of my kids? But it doesn't matter who it is. They're still, my kids are coming first. So changing some of those impacts and now thinking back and how my dad suffered in so many drugs and, and the alcohol and some of my Tios and Tias too. Um, there is so much addiction going on and getting myself out of that environment. And now seeing my daughter that she's almost the same age that I was when I became pregnant and seeing her what I was doing at my age and what she's doing right now. It makes me look back and be like, wow. I might not be the best mom ever, but I'm definitely doing something better.

Theresa Cesare:

Love that. Oh my gosh. I'm so inspired by you and just your courage that you realize that you have the power to direct your life and that you took courageous action and you had like This inner awakening like you probably listen to your soul I'm gonna do this and and when you do that Everything works out right like look at you look at your past. There was maybe the ups and downs But here you are now And I get to see you online. I got to connect with you because of our incredible mutual friends in the coaching online motivational space. And it's just truly an honor, uh, to hear your story. And thanks for sharing that vulnerable truth of your family. Cause I think every single person listening can be like, Oh my God, ding, ding, ding, and just giving permission to, like you said, put up those boundaries for the good of everyone, because really. I think it was Brene Brown said that the most boundary people she knew were actually the most compassionate. We think it's the opposite. So it just reminded me of that. Hopefully everyone listening to this, if you can relate, just take some of those lessons, not only in the. Health and wellness, but just life's lessons, in that and being the one that change this, the generational cycles in your family.

Karen Martinez:

But before we hop into like the closing, questions and all of that, how can we work with you? How can we find you? Do you have any exciting freebies, upcoming programs? Tell us all about how we can connect with you.

Theresa Cesare:

Yeah, so I I do a couple of challenges, almost like every quarter of the year. So I have the last challenge of the year coming up and it's very exciting.

Karen Martinez:

So anybody who is in this Castile area or Tempe area, Phoenix area, come into the gym. I do it. I have, I work out also at a gym. I wanted to go start that, you know, especially after COVID. I wanted that community to what I was missing before. I want to, I want to create that for other women. so you can go to my website caseandwellness. com. I also have a free. Marker calculator. So instead of Helping other people become more flexible in the dieting. I feel like I'm going the macros It's a way to go. You can be super flexible with it and I have the free microcalculator in there Also in my website, you will find inquiries you can do I do online coaching I do in person training And then, have a free challenge also in my website that you can download completely for free. It has demo videos. It has supplemental recommendations. It gives you the whole plan of workouts and it will explain to you how to use the macro calculator as well. And of course you can find me in my socials. Karen is Martinez, underscore for my Instagram and my Facebook case and wellness.

Theresa Cesare:

By the way, your website is. Beautiful. And listeners, I will drop her links to all her socials and of course website. Yeah, you have some definitely some golden nuggets freebies. So thank you so much for that. I'm going to go ahead and wrap up the episode with the ending questions. The first one, what is your favorite quote?

Karen Martinez:

So, actually my favorite quote is in Spanish, but I'm going to translate it as much as I can. Yeah, you want to say it in Spanish? Yeah, we'll say it in Spanish. We need some Española in this podcast. Yeah, we're bilingual over here. see? Así como lo no tan bueno. So, basically saying, just as everything that's good happens, the not so good also happens. So everything shall pass. If you're going through a rough time right now, I want to let you know that it's going to pass. Exactly the same thing when you're like happy and it happens and it passes by, the same thing with you're going through a rough time.

Theresa Cesare:

I love that such a good reminder and I think that's why it makes everything special because it just changes. Right? Yeah. Um, the next one, what is your favorite book?

Karen Martinez:

A book that it always like gets stuck in my head because it helped me through some rough times in my corporate job. It's the 48 laws of power. I love that book because you don't have to read it in order. You can just open up and then you can start reading like a little chapter and then you get something very valuable from it. It doesn't matter where you open it. And it helped me so much in my corporate job, but you can, it actually applies for any area of your life. Like it just in your life in general, you can apply it.

Theresa Cesare:

I haven't read it, but I'm going to add it to the list. And the last question, what do you want to be remembered for?

Karen Martinez:

Thank you. I want to be, remember, somebody who helped educate and help inspire other moms, other Latinas, other women, and hopefully not just in my local city, but in my state, and hopefully in the future, globally, because that's what I want to do. Like he's, like we said before, we're bilingual, so we're very blessed that we can hit a different, demographic or people, and of course the Latinos. Spanish is my first language, so, I want to be remembered and to be able to just help change other women's lives.

Theresa Cesare:

Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back in two weeks for another episode of Heart to.