Heart 2 Talk Podcast

The Power of Gratitude with Jan Miller

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 75

This episode's insightful guest Jan Miller, has over 25 years of experience as an air and radio personality, commercial writer, author and dedicated blogger. She has captivated audiences with her signature gift as a writer.  However, Jan is more than just a professional in her craft. She is a devoted lifelong student of metaphysics, positive psychology, and the law of attraction. Her unwavering passion for understanding the energy of the planet and following the path of light has shaped her perspective on life. So get ready to embrace being great and full.

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. Welcome to another amazing episode today. We have a truly exceptional guest joining us on this enlightening journey. Her name is Jan Miller. Jan has over 25 years of experience as an air and radio personality, commercial writer. Author and dedicated blogger. She has captivated audiences with her signature gift as a writer, but Jan is more than just a professional in her craft. She is a devoted lifelong student of metaphysics, positive psychology, and the law of attraction. Her unwavering passion for understanding the energy of the planet and following the path of light has shaped her perspective on life. So get ready to embrace the power of positive energy and gratitude. Welcome to the show.

Jan Miller:

thank you so much. Really appreciate that. in depth introduction is just really hard to try to wrap all that into a nutshell, but it's really great to be here I am truly excited. I've talked in radio all my life and, talking radio stuff, talking music stuff, talking news, but never really getting to. speak from the heart about what I basically live and breathe, which is, metaphysics, creating a reality, new thought, positive thinking and all of that.

Theresa Cesare:

Well, I love that since you've been devoted to studying it, what is your mission and vision with all the information that you've learned and almost become an expert at essentially?

Jan Miller:

It's so funny because ever since I can remember as a student when I was struggling with my own lessons, my own understandings, my own reading things like crazy, trying to wrap my brain around, How can I get this? How can I truly understand this? I have wanted to also understand it in a way that I could explain it to others because I thought when I was Freaking finally get this. I want to be able to help other people get it too

Theresa Cesare:

we talked about many topics, you and I, because we both love this space so much, we discussed. Gratitude. It's so big. Everybody talks about it. But there's a problem with it. Can we talk about what's the problem with gratitude? Can you define that for us, Jen?

Jan Miller:

You know, it's funny, in preparation for this talk, I literally just, Googled gratitude. Let's see what it's supposed to mean, right? Because we've taken it to all kinds of different levels and it basically means thankfulness for kindness. And so, you know, it, that makes a lot of sense. That's your typical, gratitude. Somebody does something nice for you and you say, thank you. And oftentimes a polite thing that we do. one of my favorite. Concepts that I feel like has been, misunderstood by a lot of people is the secret and the law of attraction, and a big piece of that is gratitude Rhonda Byrne who wrote secret, has written several other offshoots, including a book called the magic, which is all about gratitude. And, I've really been working to get a handle on creating, on reframing on, on, um, making my life work. To really get a handle on getting away from the old programs as much as you want to, as much as you might have an understanding of how you should be thinking, how do you literally take your mind and make a shift? When I read The Magic and when I listened to her audio book, the focus on gratitude. And not letting gratitude stop with being a polite thank you. Or being even just a polite prayer at the beginning of a meal. But, really and truly having it be heartfelt. That is the whole difference. That is the whole difference. And I think that's the problem with gratitude, is that people have used it as a polite, expression, which is great, of course. But, if we really want to make our lives work, we need to feel it in our heart. And what we're really saying with gratitude is opening our hearts and, and feeling. Deeper expression of love for whatever it is we are grateful

Theresa Cesare:

you're right. There's like an energy behind it when you're authentically grateful, for those out there who are wanting to manifest getting into an alignment to what you want. Gratitude is an essential step.

Jan Miller:

Think we have to start in this now moment, in the book, the magic about, she really starts in the most obvious places with appreciating every single thing in this now moment, every single footstep that we take, every single breath that we take every, little thing that we're doing. To start there, then once you get in that habit of opening your heart and appreciating where you are now, then you can take that energy and shift it into the things that you're trying to manifest. The big thing I feel like with manifesting is there is always a gap. If you are seeing yourself as manifesting, literally the process of it being a process, Puts a separation and a gap between you and that thing. It's not here and now and the law of attraction doesn't understand Something that's not here and now so one of the things in the secret They say like you've got to literally feel like if you're trying to create a new car You've got to literally get in that car and be, sitting on your living room chair, driving that car, feeling that car in your hands, feeling the engine really being fully present with feeling in that moment. Now. Otherwise, it's always going to be put off in the future.

Theresa Cesare:

I love that. One thing, back to the gratitude as well is we're always looking at what we want next. And part of really owning the vibe of or energy of gratitude is being happy for what you've manifested already celebrating that. So that's kind of one practice that I started doing is like, I'm grateful for what I've manifested instead of looking at what I still need. To accomplish or desire or want to feel it's like, well, look at what I've already attracted and savoring in that. And I feel like that for me has been powerful

Jan Miller:

and that's the thing of it is, it's an old saying, and I think it's a country song to wherever you go. There you are. It's true, right? I mean, if you don't have whatever the feeling is that you feel like that thing you want to manifest is going to give you, if you don't have that feeling now, even when you get there, even if you manage to create that thing, you're going to arrive there with the old feelings because you still haven't changed the old feelings. So if you're stressed out now and you think when I get that car, I'm not going to be stressed anymore. I'm just going to be able to relax. You know what? No, because you're still putting relaxing off in the future. So you got to relax first. That's the feeling you want to create. And then when you get to the car, you'll have relaxation. It's you. That's who you are that you brought to the car. And the car will come to you, I love whatever you,

Theresa Cesare:

that is such a great tip. So good because you're right, like I'm going to feel whole or loved when I find love or I'm going to feel successful when I get this position or this degree, but if what you say is just channeling that now, find it now, Oh, I love that so much.

Jan Miller:

And that's the thing with gratitude, it literally puts you into owning it in the now moment. Just the process of being in gratitude brings it home. And that's why it works.

Theresa Cesare:

Do you have any more tips on how we could really, tune into gratitude?

Jan Miller:

So I really think, one of the things I've even caught myself doing in, for everything. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You know, just to say the words until they finally sink in kind of thing, but then you almost feel like you're doing, like we were saying it, kind of doing it by rote. And are you really thinking it through? so I had to realize that in a way, when I started doing that, I was, Saying it to something out there and not including myself, I was making myself small. I was forgetting that I was part of that something out there that had helped to create what I was being thankful for. So we have to acknowledge our own greatness in the process, and not forget that we are. A piece of that and that when we want to express love, that is a big piece of this and we have to fill ourselves up with love to overflowing to truly have that grateful experience. And to allow ourselves to feel great and to be full of love, overflowing, um, great and full, helps us redefine gratitude

Theresa Cesare:

I love the way you redefined it. And especially as we are approaching Thanksgiving, this is kind of the time when gratitude is at the forefront. Do you have any tips on how this Thanksgiving we could really Be the example, come in and spread this new way of how we're embodying the vibration of gratitude with our family members, friends

Jan Miller:

you know, it's really awesome that so many people are focused on gratitude at one day Because that does help., I do believe there's a ripple effect that goes out across the planet when we truly get in a space of gratefulness, and love for what we're experiencing. But let's not just say grace at the opening of the meal and then forget as we're proceeding with every bite that we take. Let's remember with every bite that we take how grateful we are for that. How grateful we are to. The source, of that food, how grateful we are for the companionship of who we're sharing the food with. Let's just remember to keep our minds as much as we can in that space of love. Maybe envisioning ourselves kind of radiating, uh, that love. because it's hard, obviously you can't keep a conscious thought. So the thing is to just get in the feeling and carry the feeling of that happy, grateful love, with you and let it kind of spill out over like a radiating light across the table.

Theresa Cesare:

That's so beautiful. I love that because I just pictured it. And visualization is so powerful as well, a great way to shift that emotion, right?

Jan Miller:

Mm hmm. Senea Roman, um, wrote some really wonderful channeled books. One of them is Living with Joy. And one of the things that she has said is about creating, a symbol. A symbol that encapsulates that embodies that feeling of love and gratitude for you. instead of having to think all the thoughts, breaking them apart, you can literally put a prayer and put all of those positive thoughts and all those positive feelings into the symbol. And then this way, whenever you think of the symbol. All those feelings and thoughts that you put into it are automatically kind of carried into your heart. Cause it's almost like faster than you can think it through. It just is.

Theresa Cesare:

What's an example?

Jan Miller:

I feel like we use symbols all the time. The one that comes to mind is even as a symbol of Arizona. I mean, I love living here and in the sun in the sunshine is such a wonderful positive thing for me. So, I mean, when I think of our symbol of the sun rising, and that like the beams of the sunlight coming up over the horizon. That's a wonderful symbol that brings great joy. So, I think that's one simple symbol. But what they encourage us to do is create our own unique, little symbols. And that could even be something... Even like what we do with Pinterest, when we go on there and we collect pictures and those pictures become little symbols it creates that feeling there's nothing like what the right picture can sometimes, you know, um, inspire.

Theresa Cesare:

I love that so much. Any last tips on how our listeners could embrace being great and full in their everyday lives

Jan Miller:

the book, the magic, she really says in there that, 28 days to really change an old pattern. And, that includes writing a gratitude journal, think of 10 things every day that you're thankful for and think about, really think about why you're thankful and how that makes you feel and try to remember that first thing in the morning and the last thing at night and, as often as you can keep those words. And keep those positive symbols in front of you, hang them around your office or whatever you can to remind yourself to get back in that gratitude space every day, as often as possible, like got to live it. We got to live it. So that's what I feel is most important. We've got to try to live it at every moment as possible.

Theresa Cesare:

I love that so much. Before we pivot to the closing questions, are there any other like golden nuggets, any other things you want to mention?

Jan Miller:

Okay, first thing that's come to mind now with this is this aha that I had yesterday, I got moved out. To go and find my old copy of that book living with joy from Sudeo Roman and One of the things I love to do is just kind of open where I'm guided to see and it brought me to a place Where it reminded me to love my past and I gotta say that so many of us who are on this journey. I think at least myself I have Been anxiously trying to get myself to a better place to a better place But at the same time I have been a little bit ashamed of where I was before Because before I wasn't where I am now and where I am now is just you know, gosh How could I have you know been so young and foolish and it's like oh my gosh I just saw it in a new light and I realized that I wasn't Loving myself in the past. I just got like, oh my gosh, I felt so bad for my, like I just felt it in my heart. I'm like, oh, I couldn't, we can't help where we were in the past. So let's love our past and that will assist us to embrace our future.

Theresa Cesare:

wAs so well said. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for all those golden nuggets. And we're going to go ahead and pivot into the closing questions. Jan, we're going to start with the first one. What is your favorite quote?

Jan Miller:

All right. So my favorite quote. Is whatever quote shows up in your now moment. And one of my favorite things to do is to be getting in front of a bookshelf. Or even in front of a deck of cards, if that's your thing. But for me, getting in front of a bookshelf and just having something in my mind that needs clarity. And I pull a book down off the shelf. And open to that quote, unquote, random page, and it never fails that I look down and there's my answer. So that is my favorite quote, because it's always different in every moment.

Theresa Cesare:

So powerful. I love that. Second question. What is your favorite book?

Jan Miller:

Oh, my word. Well, I have read hundreds. But the favorite book of the moment, I would say is, the magic, let's just say for the moment, because it's always shifting, it's always changing, revolving. And that favorite books going to do the same. And by Rhonda Byrne, correct? Correct. The lady who wrote the secret.

Theresa Cesare:

And the last question, what do you want to be remembered for?

Jan Miller:

I would love to be remembered as being able to have been a person who found the right words to inspire others to greatness.

Theresa Cesare:

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