Heart 2 Talk Podcast

Master Your Vibration and Energy

Theresa Cesare Season 7 Episode 74

Sometimes our vibration can be a little off,  inauthentic, misaligned, or even negative. When that happens, we unknowingly repel the very things we desire the most.  In this episode we will be exploring the profound connection between our energy and the vibrations we emit.

Your energy is your superpower.

Throughout this episode, I'll be sharing with you a few valuable tips and insights on how you can take control of your energy and become the master of your vibration.  After tuning in, visit my website at  www.theresacesare.com for my powerful affirmations and courses to support you on your journey!

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Theresa Cesare:

Hey guys. Welcome to Heart to Talk the podcast. I am the host and creator Theresa Cesare. My intention for this podcast is to deliver to you wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Through solo episodes and conversations amongst insightful people. It is my greatest honor to bring to you talks that come from the. welcome back, amazing listeners, to another episode of Heart to Talk, have you ever considered that the energy we carry within us can shape our reality? Facts. It's true. The vibes we project into the world have an incredible impact on the experiences we attract but here's the catch. Sometimes our vibrations can be a little off. They can be inauthentic, misaligned, or even negative. And when that happens, we unknowingly repel the very things we don't like. We desire the most. So how do we become masters of our own vibrations? How do we harness this incredible power within us to manifest our deepest desires? Well, that's precisely what we'll be exploring today. The profound connection between our energy and the vibrations we emit. Your energy is your superpower. Throughout this episode, I'll be sharing with you a few valuable tips and insights on how you can take control of your energy and become the master of your vibration. So friends, let's get started. Your energy is the greatest source of power. It is the driving force that aligns you with all that you truly desire. When it comes to energy and vibrations, there are several common misconceptions that can hinder our understanding of these concepts, and here are a few of them. The first misconception is that energy is solely associated with physical exertion or movement while physical energy is one aspect of it. Energy encompasses much more. It includes our emotional, mental, and spiritual energy as well. It's important to recognize that energy is a multifaceted phenomenon that permeates every aspect of our being. The second is vibrations are often considered as something abstract or metaphysical. However, vibrations are not just limited to the spiritual realms. They have scientific bases and are present in everything around us from the atoms and molecules that make up our physical bodies to the frequencies of sound and light vibrations exist at various levels of our existence. The third is some people believe that vibrations are entirely out of our control and predetermined. However, the reason for this episode, we have the power to influence our vibrations through our thoughts, emotions, and our actions, our mindsets, the environments we choose to be in. And the company we keep all play a role in shaping our vibrations by becoming aware of our thoughts and consciously choosing positive and empowering ones. We can shift our vibrations to align with what we desire. Becoming more aware of our energy we emit is a journey of true self discovery, reflection, and mindfulness. And here are some practices that can help you cultivate awareness so the first is practice self reflection. Take time regularly to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, behaviors. Pause and ask yourself, how are you feeling in different situations throughout the day? Notice any patterns, reoccurring emotions by examining your inner landscape. You gain true insight into the energy that you are transmitting. Second is pay attention to your physical senses. Our bodies are powerful indicators of energy. Tune into the physical sensation, such as tension, relaxation, butterflies in the stomach, or a lightness in your heart. These sensations. Can provide clues about the energy you're carrying and transmitting in a particular moment. The third, observe reactions and responses. Notice how people respond to your presence or actions. Are they more open, relaxed, engaged when you are around? Or do they seem distant or uneasy? Pay attention to the subtle cues in their body language, tone of voice, and just overall demeanor. Others reactions can be a reflection of the energy you are projecting, and that one is huge because a lot of times it's so easy to point the finger or be victimized, but I promise you nine times out of ten, it's how you're showing up, the vibe you're putting out, the energy usually being reflected back to you. And the next is just practice active listening when interacting with others. give your full attention to the person speaking, not just to their words, but also to the emotions underlying in their communication. By actively listening, you become attuned to the energetic dynamics in the conversation, allowing you to adjust and align your own energy. Accordingly, And the next one, incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, meditation, deep breathing, exercise, can help you become more present and attuned to your own energetic state Next seek feedback from trusted friends, mentors, or coaches regarding your energy and its impact. They can provide valuable insights and observations that may be difficult to see from your own perspective. Reflect on feedback and use it as an opportunity for growth and increased self awareness. And the last is journaling. Now you don't have to be extensive about it, but you definitely need to write things out. There's a lot that we carry within our minds, but being able to put your pen to paper and. pull it from your mind out is extremely powerful. So write in a journal regularly to explore your thoughts, your emotions and experiences, and of course, in addition to that, your goals, your affirmations, the things that you want to get done, it gives you direction. Documenting your journey can help you identify patterns, triggers, and shifts in your energy over time. If you're stuck on the whole journaling process, you can always Google, just journaling tips, but just be basic. and Make it your own create your own practice Now, raising your vibrations is a powerful tool that you can do every day and all day throughout your day. And it's a way to really, align ourselves with positive experiences. And manifest our desires. And this is something I do all the time. I adjust when I'm low vibe, sometimes I need to feel it to heal it, use that as a cue and opportunity for growth. But most of the time I'm like, I need to raise, shift this vibration. And I'm going to give you some practical tools and how to elevate yours. Especially in the morning. And if you realize throughout the day that you're triggered or in just kind of a negative mood. you can shift always again. There's always an opportunity to shift your vibe in the next minute, hour. You don't have to wait for a whole new day to start over. Start over in the next second. First just surround yourself by, positive influences, the people we spend time with and the environments we immerse ourselves in, have a significant impact on our vibrations, seek out positive, supported and uplifting relationships and communities, engage in activities that bring you joy and inspire you create a nurturing space at home or at work that fosters positivity. So literally from the minute you wake up, what are you tuning yourself into? Is it the news now, the news, although it's, we all want to be informed and whatnot, it has typically negative information right off the bat, social media, the same thing. So you want to make sure that you're exposing yourself, to the most highest of vibrations possible and the next powerful thing is gratitude. Gratitude is a practice that instantly raises our vibrations. Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in your life. No matter how small this simple act shifts your focus from the lack to abundance. And, fosters a positive mindset and attracts more positive experiences in your life. And the next thing is just try to every day to engage in something that brings you joy. Identify activities that genuinely make you happy and you're passionate about it could be anything from creative pursuits, spending time in nature, or connecting with your loved ones via just a quick text, phone call, FaceTime, happy hour, you name it. Engaging in activities that bring you joy naturally elevates your vibration the next tip is take care of your physical well being. Our physical well being is closely linked to our energetic state. Make sure that you prioritize self care activities such as regular exercise, nourishing your body with healthy foods, getting enough sleep and just staying hydrated. When our physical body is in balance, when we're getting enough sleep, when we take care of just beyond our basic needs, but do the things that make us feel good. Our vibrations naturally rise. Next Engage in random acts of kindness and compassion, showing kindness and compassion towards others. Not only uplifts your vibration, but it uplifts theirs. Volunteer your time for cause you care about. Or simply just offer a listening ear without judgment to someone. Give people compliments every day at work, even strangers. These acts of love and generosity raise the collective vibrations around you. Another powerful tip is connect with nature. Spending time in nature has a profound impact on our vibrations. Take walks in the park, go hiking, or just simply sit and observe the beauty of nature around you. Nature has a way of grounding us. calming our minds and connecting us with the higher frequencies of the universe. Raising your vibrations is a personal journey and what works for one person may not resonate for another. So experiment with all the different types and start with one or two simple, uh, ones that land and resonate with you to get going When you start to practice them, you start to become them mastering your vibration So it is essential to realize that we are all vehicles of energy, constantly transmitting, intentions and emotions through everything we do, whether it's sending an email, cooking a meal, buying a gift, the energy we infuse behind these actions matter. Consider this. When you send an email. The words you choose in the tone that you convey carry a specific vibration. If you approach it with calm, grounded, positive intentions, that energy will be felt by the recipient. Similarly, when you cook a meal. The love, care, and positive energy you put into the preparation can enhance the dining experience and how others receive the meal that you're preparing. Even when buying a gift, the intention and emotion behind it shapes the energy it carries. A heartfelt, thoughtful gift can be given with love and positive intentions has a different energy and impact than a gift that is given out of obligation, force, or indifference. By recognizing that our intentions and emotions shape the energy we transmit, we become more conscious creators of our experiences. We understand that the energy we infuse in our actions. And interactions has a ripple effect influencing the outcomes and connections we attract. So as you go about your day, remember that everything you do is an opportunity to align your energy and intentions. Whether it's writing an email, preparing a meal, going to work, going to church, driving in your car or engaging in any other activity. Back it with positive intentions, love and authentic emotions, infuse your actions with the good feeling vibes and watch as your experiences and connections align with the energy that you transmit. You are a powerful transmitter of energy and through conscious intention and awareness, you can create a positive impact in your own life and the lives of others embrace this truth and let your energy be the guiding force that shapes your reality. Friends, thank you so much for tuning into this episode and bearing with my extremely raspy voice as we explored the empowering concept that we are the masters of our energy and vibration. I truly hope that you found it insightful and inspiring and that it has resonated with you on a deep level. Until next time, stay vibrant, magnetic, and keep shining your light. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Please download, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast. Also, be sure to visit my theresacesare.com to check out my inspirational merch, connect to my social accounts, and much more may you continue to be filled with wisdom, inspiration, and consciousness. Otherwise, friends, I will be back in two weeks for another episode of Heart to.